UALE General Membership Meeting
April 6, 2018
Seattle, WA
(subject to approval by membership)
Opening Remarks
- Rules of Meeting were presented and accepted
- Special guests were recognized
- Introductions of Executive Board
- It was determined that a quorum had been met
President’s Report – Cheryl Teare
- Remarks of appreciation for board members serving from 2014-2018
- A moment of silence was observed in appreciation and remembrance of Carolyn Jacobs and her contributions to the labor community
- Recognized 42 years of UALE women’s summer schools and their continued success
- Commented on UALE accomplishments for 2018
- Get Cheryl’s Notes
The Board and the membership recognized Cheryl Teare for her work and commitment to UALE throughout her terms as president.
Secretary’s Report – Amanda Pacheco
- Minutes from the 2017 Membership Meeting were provided to members in advance
- Minutes were presented to the membership for approval
- An amendment to the minutes was made to reflect the location of the Northeast Summer School
- Minutes were accepted
Treasurer’s Report – Debra Kidney
- Reviewed the budget handout that was provided to members
- Budget for individual dues was $15K and brought in $21K
- Have a constitutional requirement to hold 25% of assets in reserves
- Total current assets at $121K with pending conference expenses to pay out
- Income does not keep up with expenditures
- Reported that 152 people had registered for the conference
- The 2019 Proposed Budget was presented
- Changes to the budget were reviewed
- Less allocated for conference expenses
- Reserves were discussed for clarification
- Discussion from the floor regarding the elimination of the line item for Young Worker Scholarships
- Amendment on the floor is to reinstate the line item for Young Worker Scholarships for $1500 by eliminating three specific line items – Conference Miscellaneous, Entertainment, and Tour
Treasurer’s Report and proposed budget accepted for filing as amended
Women’s Summer School Task Force – Stephanie Furtado
- Reported that there the committee needs people to participate
- Encouraged people to sign-up to volunteer
Conference Task Force – Mary Bellman
- Reported that focus of task force is to make funding sustainable and improve the structure
- Reviewed the expenses for the conference
- All of the work is done by an unpaid board – no staff
- Mary reviewed the proposed ideas which included every other year and flexible dates
- Discussion on the floor included:
- Arguments for keeping on an annual schedule versus every other year
- Ensuring that the conference is accessible – specifically for community orgs
- Regional meetings are an option for “off” years
- Economic alternatives to hotel settings
- Partnering with organizations that share similar values
- The ask was to receive feedback from each region by September in order to plan for 2020
- Elections were held by the Election Committee: Chair Darcy Martin, Judy Ancel, and Jeannette Huezo with the following results:
- Mary Bellman elected President by acclamation
- Emily Labarbera-Twarog was elected Secretary by acclamation
- Jason Kozlowski was elected Higher Ed Vice President by acclamation
- Amanda Pacheco was elected Union Vice President by acclamation
- Susan Williams was elected Community Representative by acclamation
- Kate Shaughnessy was elected Union Representative by acclamation
- Greg DeFreitas was elected University Representative by acclamation
- Leslie Lopez was elected At-Large by ballot vote
- Kai Lai was elected At-Large by ballot vote
- Cheryl Coney was elected At-Large by ballot vote
- Liz Espinoza was elected Western Representative by acclamation
- Sarah Hughes was elected Northeastern Representative by acclamation
- David Slavin was elected Southern Representative by acclamation
- Stephanie Fortado was elected Midwestern Representative by acclamation
Labor Studies
- Bob Bruno reported that the editorial board had decided that the conference theme for next year will focus on the themes of the current situation for teachers, collective bargaining, resistance, and higher ed struggles
- Members were asked to submit articles, do book reviews, review papers
Women’s Caucus
- Kate Shaughnessy reported on the 2017 Women’s Summer Schools –
- 384 women attended
- Reported on upcoming host organizations for 2018
People of Color Caucus
- Sherman Henry reported that they want to focus on labor education with intersectionality
- Will work to host more events/workshops at the next conference that specifically address issues of workers of color
- Want to expand the outreach of the conference
Committee and Regional Reports
- All of the committees and regional reports will be submitted in writing to the new secretary of the board, Emily Twarog