Due to COVID-19, the 2020 schools were all cancelled.
Western Summer Institute on Union Women Theme: “Equity. Justice. Reconciliation: Building worker power through Intersectional feminism and activism,” July 2-7. Held at the Orchard Commons at University of British Columbia, Vancouver and hosted BC Federation of Labor
Midwest School for Women Workers held at the University of Iowa on July 23-27.
Northeast School for Women in Unions and Worker Organizations Theme: Never fear! The women are here! Held at Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY (Long Island) and hosted by Hofstra and CUNY on July 27-31.
Southern Women Worker Summer School Theme: Agitate! Educate! Organize! Held at and hosted by the Highlander Center on August 1-4.
The 2018 Western Regional Summer Institute on Union Women took place at Sonoma State University from July 10 – 14, 2018. It was hosted by the UC Berkeley Labor Center.
The 2018 Midwest School for Women Workers was held June 25-28, 2018 at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. The theme for the school was “Renewing our Movement, Restoring our Democracy”.
The 2018 Northeast School for Women in Unions and Worker Organizations took place at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY from Saturday, July 21st through Wednesday, July 25th, 2018. The school was conducted bilingually in English and in Spanish.
The 2018 Southern Women Worker Summer School was held August 2-5, 2018 at Highlander Center, New Market TN.
Over 200 women, from 5 states and 1 Canadian province, attended the 2017 Western Summer Institute for Union Women June 28 -July 1 at Ala Moana Hotel, in Honolulu, Hawaii. The theme was “Continuing the Legacy: Responding with Direction, Unity and Strength”. A highlight of the institute was a march and rally in support of UPW (United Public Workers), a chapter of AFSCME. See video of the event here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofFSeMLRjA0&feature=youtu.be
The 2017 Midwest School for Women Workers was held from July 16 -20, 2017 at the University of Wisconsin, Madison School for Workers. The theme was “Women Rising”.
The 2017 Northeast School took place at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Amherst, MA, from Saturday, July 22nd through Wednesday, July 26th. The school was conducted bilingually in English and in Spanish.
The 2017 Southern Women Worker Summer School was at Highlander Center, Newmarket, TN, from July 20 – July 23. The theme was “Building Worker Power in the South!”.
The 2015 Western Regional Institute for Union Women took place on the Reed College campus in Portland, OR, from June 23-27.
The 2015 Midwest School for Women Workers was held from Sunday July 19 through Thursday July 23, 2015 in Chicago, IL. The school was hosted by the DePaul University Labor Education Center.
The 40th Northeast Summer School for Union Women took place at Penn State University, University Park Campus, from Sunday, July 26 – Thursday, July 30.
The 2015 Southern School for Working Women, was cancelled.
The 2014 Northeast Regional Summer School for Union Women was held at Queens College (Queens, NY) from Saturday, July 26 to Thursday, July 31, 2014.
The 2014 Midwest School for Women Workers: “Growing our Power: Learning! Inspiring! Transforming!” was held on the campus of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign from Sunday, June 22 – Thursday, June 26, 2014 .
The 2014 Southern School for Union Women took place at the Highlander Center in New Market, Tennessee August 14-17, 2014. The theme was “Building Worker Power in the South.”
The 2014 Western Summer Institute for Union Women was held at the University of Victoria, Victoria (Vancouver Island), BC, Canada, July 8-13. It was hosted by the BC Federation of Labour.
The 2013 Northeast Regional Women’s School took place at Cornell University in Ithaca.
The Midwest and Southern schools were merged this year, and held their combined school August 15-18, in Little Rock, AR at the Wyndham Riverfront Little Rock.
The Western Regional Summer Institute for Union Women, entitled:”Women Emerging as Leaders” already took place, at the University of Washington in Seattle, from June 25 – 30, 2013. This was the first time ever that the Institute took place in Seattle, and it was a huge success.
The 2012 Northeast Regional Women’s School took place at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, from Saturday, July 28 through Thursday, Aug. 2. The school this year highlighted the 100th anniversary of the 1912 “Bread and Roses” strike of textile workers in Lawrence, MA, with a video and a special addition to our Labor History night.
The UC Berkeley Labor Center hosted the 31st Annual Western Regional Summer Institute on Union Women 2012 (SIUW), from July 23-27, 2012 at Sonoma State University. It was a week to honor, strengthen, and support women in the labor movement. The theme was “Campaign School for a New Generation.”
The 2012 Midwest School for Women Workers took place Wednesday, July 25 – Sunday, July 29 at The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. Fifty women, from six states and 15 unions attended.
The Institute for Labor Studies and Research at West Virginia University hosted the 2012 Southern School for Union Women August 7-11 in Charleston, WV .Watch the 2012 Southern School on YouTube.
The Northeast Regional Women’s School was hosted by the School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers, the State Univ. of NJ. Dates:July 17 (Sunday) – July 22 (Friday), 2011.
The 2011 Midwest School for Women Workers took place at Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, July 28-31.
The 2011 Western Regional Summer Institute for Union Women was held June 16-20 at the University of Hawaii.