The United Association for Labor Education is an organization of labor educators based primarily in the United States and Canada. However, we are open to all labor educators and organizationals globally. We are a member organization of the International Federation of Workers’ Education Associations.
Our US-based membership is divided into 4 regions: Northeast, South, Midwest, and West. Each US region has a Regional Representative on the Executive Board. In addition, the Executive Board also has 3 At-Large members with at least one of those members representing Canada to ensure that Canadian voices are represented on the Board.
Each US region and Canada host an event every other year to bring folks together on a more localized level to share resources and network. Please see our Events page more details on these events.

If you are interested in getting more involved in UALE, please contact one of our Board members below:
Liz Espinoza, US Regional Representative (Western)
Stephanie Fortado, US Regional Representative (Midwest)
Joan Hill, US Regional Representative (Southern)
Sarah Hughes, US Regional Representative (Northeast)
Kai Lai, At-Large Member (Canada)